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梦里菜花香 [2013.08.22][2人浏览]
日暮平原风过处,菜花香杂豆花香。小时候,每年菜花开时节,那是我最幸福、最快乐的日子。上学、放学,我沿着乡间小道,穿梭在成片、成片的菜花间,漫野都是盛开的菜花,一簇簇、一片片,在凉风里盈盈招手,煞是喜..  [查看全文]
Fed unites on plans to ease asset purchases | 美联储官员普遍支持缩减QE3时间框架 [2013.08.22][1人浏览]
   Federal Reserve officials were nearly united in supporting the slowing of US central bank asset purchases later this year, but divided on the timing of their first move, according to m..  [查看全文]
Greece needs more aid, admits minister | 德国财长首次坦承希腊需要第三轮纾困 [2013.08.22][0人浏览]
   The politically toxic subject of financial support for Greece burst into Germany’s election campaign yesterday as Wolfgang Schäuble, finance minister, acknowledged for the first ..  [查看全文]
Emerging market currencies hit heavily | 新兴经济体货币受挫 [2013.08.20][1人浏览]
  The 20 biggest emerging market currencies tumbled against the US dollar yesterday with India’s rupee particularly badly hit amid mounting market turmoil in the developi..  [查看全文]
日光城 • 仙女节 [2013.08.19][4人浏览]
在我脑海里,拉萨实在是个遥远的词汇。遥远悠远,不似人间。有人去过那里,我便问他,那里的天空真的很蓝,阳光真的那么纯净么?或者,蓝天真的很纯净,阳光真的那么蓝么?拉萨于我,是一种难以誊写的意境,一种酒..  [查看全文]
Value of US fuel exports soars to $110.2bn in year to June 2013 | 美国能源革命推动燃料出口 [2013.08.19][1人浏览]
   The value of US fuel exports has grown faster than other goods and commodities during Barack Obama’s presidency, according to a Financial Times analysis, emerging as a driving force b..  [查看全文]
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2024年10月06日、哈佛大学,应邀访问美国哈佛大学(Harvard University),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界大学.. .[查看全文]
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