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Adidas raises 2011 sales forecasts again | 阿迪达斯再次上调2011年销售预期 [2011.08.05][3人浏览]
Adidas has raised its sales and profit forecasts for 2011 after shrugging off rising raw materials costs and hailing Japan’s recovery from its severe earthquake. 阿迪达斯(..  [查看全文]
Beijing lifts price control as inflation fears ease | 中国解除食用油涨价禁令 [2011.08.04][1人浏览]
China has lifted a ban that prevented cooking oil producers from raising prices, the most concrete policy action yet from the government to show that it believes inflation is ..  [查看全文]
正本清源:诚与管理学者诸君漫谈(一) [2011.08.03][22人浏览]
  【内容提要】 为中国的管理实践提供坚实的理论基础是中国管理学者承担的最重要的使命,具体而言,从4个方面对“我国当前需要什么样的管理研究”进行阐明:直面中国管理实践而非国际一流学术标准;框定问..  [查看全文]
欢迎问题也是组织文化建设中的有机组成部分 [2011.08.03][8人浏览]
  企业核心竞争优势的关键,就在于你比竞争对手发现问题更早,了解问题更多,解决问题更快。 问题我们每天都会碰到和面对,问题时刻都等待着我们去处理和解决,问题会变成隐患,隐患会变成事故,事故会毁掉..  [查看全文]
Spain and Italy rush to stem bond crisis | 西班牙意大利国债收益率升至新高 [2011.08.03][1人浏览]
Spanish and Italian politicians scrambled on Tuesday to find a fresh response to the debt crisis engulfing the two countries as their borrowing costs hit new euro-era highs. ..  [查看全文]
Scramble to secure debt deal support | 美国提高债务上限进入最后冲刺 [2011.08.02][3人浏览]
The White House and Republican leaders were engaged in a final dash to shore up support on Capitol Hill for a compromise that would allow the US to escape a default on its deb..  [查看全文]
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2024年10月06日、哈佛大学,应邀访问美国哈佛大学(Harvard University),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界大学.. .[查看全文]
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