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Fears of fresh wave of Afghan anger after US soldier murders 16 civilians | 美国士兵杀害16名阿富汗.. [2012.03.12][1人浏览]
A US serviceman walked out of his base in southern Afghanistan yesterday and shot dead 16 civilians, including nine ­children, in one of the worst atrocities committed by ..  [查看全文]
企业竞争是系统竞争 [2012.03.10][4人浏览]
  系统不是一般规定,系统不是僵硬的制度,它是不断提升的科学的运营的过程,是团队经营水平和智慧的凝结。 这些年企业讲战略、讲规模挺多的,企业员工的思维习惯也向这一方向偏。据说有个调研,中国企业员..  [查看全文]
文化似和风细雨,润物无声。 [2012.03.09][4人浏览]
  文化,是一个民族的精神家园和灵魂。在一定意义上,它可以改变一个民族的命运,决定一个国家的生死存亡。有人说得好:一个国家经济落后要挨打,文化衰败则不打自垮。 文化的核心,是价值观。主流价值观具..  [查看全文]
China hits at Delhi cotton export ban | 印度重新评估棉花出口禁令 [2012.03.09][1人浏览]
China, the biggest consumer of cotton, has lodged a formal protest against India’s ban on cotton exports amid signs that India is rethinking the ban that was implemented a fe..  [查看全文]
One man, one vote plea for HK poll | 唐英年:香港2017年实现普选 [2012.03.09][0人浏览]
Henry Tang, the former Hong Kong finance secretary whose campaign for chief executive has been hit by scandal, has said Beijing would “have to” accept the city’s desire for..  [查看全文]
Clashes break out over voting fraud | 俄罗斯示威者抗议大选舞弊 [2012.03.09][0人浏览]
Police and demonstrators clashed in central Moscow last night during protests against widespread fraud in Sunday’s election of Vladimir Putin to a third term as Russia’s pre..  [查看全文]
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2024年10月06日、哈佛大学,应邀访问美国哈佛大学(Harvard University),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界大学.. .[查看全文]
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