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Greek deal on knife edge as private bondholders weigh up debt swap | 希腊债务置换协议成败未定 [2012.03.09][0人浏览]
Greece faces a decisive week in its struggle to avert a sovereign default, with the success of its planned debt swap poised on a knife edge amid doubts over the level of parti..  [查看全文]
Six world powers agree to meet Tehran | 六大国将重启伊朗核谈判 [2012.03.09][0人浏览]
The US and five other world powers agreed yesterday to reopen negotiations with Iran over its nuclear programme in a move seen by many diplomats as a last chance to forge a ne..  [查看全文]
故乡春天,往事如烟! [2012.03.04][8人浏览]
  炊烟 习惯在落日后远眺,看那远处袅袅升起的炊烟,这是我长年漂泊在外养成的习惯。有炊烟的地方,我就会看到故乡的影子,就会感觉到亲人轻柔的暖意。我一直都相信,不管自己走得多远,炊烟总会轻而易举飘..  [查看全文]
Russia and China back UN’s Syria plea | 联合国敦促叙利亚让人道事务主管入境 [2012.03.04][1人浏览]
Russia and China have joined western powers in calling on Damascus to allow the UN’s humanitarian chief immediate access to the country as Syrian rebels retreated from the be..  [查看全文]
Fall in India’s growth triggers fear of decline | 印度去年末季增长率降至6.1% [2012.03.04][0人浏览]
A sharp fall in India’s economic growth to 6.1 per cent in the quarter to the end of December, the slowest in three years, has triggered fears of a prolonged decline unless e..  [查看全文]
Apple joins $500bn club as group readies for new iPad | 苹果市值达到5000亿美元 [2012.03.04][0人浏览]
Apple has joined an elite group of companies to reach a half-trillion-dollar equity valuation amid expectations the company will launch the new version of the iPad next week. ..  [查看全文]
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2024年10月06日、哈佛大学,应邀访问美国哈佛大学(Harvard University),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界大学.. .[查看全文]
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