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Barclays investors force tough bonus rules | 巴克莱迫于股东压力收紧奖金标准 [2012.04.20][1人浏览]
Shareholders in Barclays have forced the British bank to accept tougher bonus conditions and promise higher dividends, highlighting how the balance of power between investors ..  [查看全文]
China’s steel output hits record high | 中国钢产量强劲反弹 [2012.04.20][1人浏览]
China’s steel production hit a record high in early April as construction demand picked up, allaying concerns over faltering demand for raw materials in the world’s second-l..  [查看全文]
经理人智慧九卷 [2012.04.20][6人浏览]
  思想方法和工作方法是分析问题和解决问题的思想武器,是达成目标的策略和途径。我们做任何工作,干任何事,都离不开思想方法,有什么样的思想方法,才有什么样的工作方法。我想从以下几个方面与朋友们分享..  [查看全文]
学以致用 [2012.04.19][6人浏览]
  在美国做博士后虽然很辛苦,但受到的训练其实很多,其中审稿就是一项。也许是因为之前发过几篇不错的International journal papers. 一天突然收到我们领域一个不错的英文杂志审稿邀请,真是有点受宠若惊。..  [查看全文]
Investors rebuke Citi board over pay | 股东们对花旗高层薪酬计划说不 [2012.04.18][2人浏览]
Shareholders rebuked Citigroup’s board yesterday, voting against a pay plan that promised tens of millions of dollars for Vikram Pandit, chief executive, and his fellow direc..  [查看全文]
Madrid threat to intervene in regions | 西班牙中央政府向地方下达紧缩令 [2012.04.17][1人浏览]
Spain’s central government has threatened to seize budgetary control of wayward regions as early as May if they flout strict deficit limits, senior officials said yesterday a..  [查看全文]
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2024年10月06日、哈佛大学,应邀访问美国哈佛大学(Harvard University),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界大学.. .[查看全文]
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