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Tsunami alert hits Indian Ocean business | 海啸警报扰乱印度洋周边国家商业 [2012.04.12][0人浏览]
Governments around the Indian Ocean issued and then lifted tsunami warnings yesterday after an earthquake that ranked among the 10 most powerful of the last century hit off th..  [查看全文]
四九城里清新的春天 [2012.04.11][2人浏览]
      《清新的春天》   不比从前 有点冷,这个春天 风从海面刮来一滴雨水的咸 落在唇边舔舐温暖 融化了心中冰冷的寒   窗外橡树枝头 挂着一只喜鹊的祝愿 目光含着几许期待..  [查看全文]
Sony braced for record loss of $6.4bn | 索尼发布历来最严重亏损预警 [2012.04.11][0人浏览]
The scale of challenge of challenges facing Sony have been underscored by a warning from the electronics and entertainment group that it expects to make a Y520bn ($6.4bn) net ..  [查看全文]
Sony to cut its global workforce by 10,000 | 索尼将裁员一万人 [2012.04.10][0人浏览]
Sony is preparing to cut its workforce by 10,000, or 6 per cent of its global headcount, as part of a restructuring that has seen the Japanese electronics and entertainment gr..  [查看全文]
外公种田VS营销管理 [2012.04.09][4人浏览]
  我的外公是一位农民,种了80多年的田,积累了丰富的种田经验和朴素的人生哲学,在滇中彝寨是有名的“能干人”,外公家年年的好收成和相对殷实的生活也让乡亲们艳羡不已。我作为一名普通高校学术民工和企业..  [查看全文]
Investors braced for fall in US profits | 美国企业一季度利润料将下滑 [2012.04.09][3人浏览]
The start of the first-quarter earnings reporting season this week is set to challenge the US equity market, with analysts predicting that profits will fall in most sectors. ..  [查看全文]
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2024年10月06日、哈佛大学,应邀访问美国哈佛大学(Harvard University),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界大学.. .[查看全文]
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