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Brics bid for more say in IMF | 金砖国家谋求IMF更大话语权 [2012.03.30][0人浏览]
Leaders of the world’s most powerful emerging economies have threatened to withhold additional financing requested by the International Monetary Fund to fight the European so..  [查看全文]
China:investors turn jittery over profit concerns | 分析:盈利前景恶化 中国股市承压 [2012.03.29][0人浏览]
It does not take much to knock confidence in the Chinese stock market these days. Yesterday it was a bearish report from Société Générale cutting its 2012 profits growth f..  [查看全文]
Oil price discount prompts debate | 远期油价走低引发市场猜测 [2012.03.28][0人浏览]
Oil contracts for delivery in three to five years’ time are trading at their biggest ever discount to spot prices, prompting a debate about whether the era of triple-digit oi..  [查看全文]
Fed chief cautious over rapid jobless fall | 伯南克:美国失业下降难持久 [2012.03.28][0人浏览]
Rapid recent falls in US unemployment may prove to be a one-off unless economic growth picks up, Ben Bernanke, chairman of the US Federal Reserve warned yesterday. 美联储主..  [查看全文]
UN proposes moves to curb farmland grabs | 联合国建议对农田出售规模设限 [2012.03.28][0人浏览]
The UN has proposed that countries should set limits on the size of agricultural land sales to regulate the growing trend of so-called farmland grabs. 联合国(UN)建议,各国应..  [查看全文]
海纳百川 有容乃大 [2012.03.28][2人浏览]
  人才是第一生产力,这个观点已经赢得越来越多人的认同。 过去300年,最能吸引人才的国家是美国。60多年前最保密的曼哈顿计划,几乎一半的核心人物是外国人。 今天,美国70%以上的博士是美国国外出生的,..  [查看全文]
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2024年10月06日、哈佛大学,应邀访问美国哈佛大学(Harvard University),坐落于美国马萨诸塞州剑桥市,是一所享誉世界大学.. .[查看全文]
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